Monday, May 30, 2005

Instrumentalist nomenclature

...which, incidentally, would make a very good album name. But not so good a band name.

Gye Greene and The Lady are apparently working late tonight. So it's myself and Ralphie; Ralphie and me; he's short like a dog and I'm tall like a tree...

But I digress!

What began as a rather random thought, as I putter around with GG's drum set (and pondering -- of all things -- John Entwhistle, bass player for The Who), is that:

-bass players are bass-ists
-guitar players are guitar-ists
-violin players are violin-ists
-trombone players are trombone-ists

And yet: "people who play the drums" are neither "drum players" nor "drum-ists"; rather, they are "drum-ERS." Why is that?

Answers? Comments?



At May 31, 2005 12:22 AM, Blogger K. said...

Its best not to question the vagaries of the English language.

You could try calling some drummers "percussion-ists", but they might hit you over the head with their drumsticks.

I think I'll start referring to trombone-ists as "tromboners" from now on.



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