Trigital technology
Last night GG and I were talking about the idea of basing digital technology on trigital, rather than digital, states. (That is, instead of two-state, on/off, zero/one, having a three-state, high/low/off.)
This might take a little more power than current, binary-based digital technology, as there would have to be sufficieinet range between the ''high'' and ''low'' states to leave room for a ''low'' state. But, you could arguably fit 50% more data onto the same amount of physical space.
I am not sure how charges or states are currently stored. Conceptually, however, if magnetized particles are currently oriented either towards or away from a reference point, a third, ''in-between'' state could be oriented tangental to the reference point.
Or, if they are currently in line versus across, the third ''in-between'' state could be at an angle: as in ''_'' versus ''|'', and the new state would be ''\''.
The new terminology would be ''trinary'' rather than ''binary'', and ''trigital'' rather than ''digital''. In addition, instead of ''bits'' and ''bytes'', they could be ''trits'' and ''trytes''.
Remember: You heard it here first! :)
It's a great idea. That's what they're doing with this quantum computing stuff. Whereas an electrically-based computer bit can hold a 1 or 0 (charge or no charge), a quantum computer qubit can hold a one, or a zero, or (ironically enough) both at the same time. Should be an interesting era... I'm still of the belief that electricity and electrical wiring is just plain witchcraft, so I've a lot of adjusting to do at some point it seems. I think the book I read about this was Quest for the Quantum Computer but I'm not sure...
And I'm sure no one else ever even thought about it. Here's one for you: would it be better to use polarity, as in -1, neutral and +1, or "off", 2.5 volts and 5 volts?? and by the way quantum mechanics do not compute. It is a sorry theory to begin with. A horrific transformation of thought to describe what is acutally a time disparity. Things appear to be in multiples places or states because they move so much faster at that level. I'm sure I'm not the first one to think of that either but nobody's listening.
Oh yeah um - you heard it here first
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