Saturday, October 01, 2005

Extreme tourism

I just saw on the news that there's been another set of Bali bombings. The Australian government is recommending that Australians defer any travel to Indonesia. Upon seeing this television report, I reflected that these bombings must be severely damaging the Indonesian tourism industry.

That thought inspired an idea: Extreme tourism! In it, you would deliberately travel to a locale high in political unrest or terrorist activity; stay for a week; and if you don't get kidnapped or killed (or both!), you would fly home and brag about your adventures.

For those desiring an additional thrill, an additional $100 would gain you a Stars 'n' Stripes baseball hat, and a t-shirt that says "Hey! I'm an American! (Get used to it!)"

As with "extreme sports", I predict this "extreme tourism" will primarily attract males in their teens and twenties. Providing they embark on their "travel adventures" prior to reproducing, "extreme tourism" could have an inadvertent impact of a "Darwinian" nature.



At April 04, 2011 1:40 PM, Anonymous Darrel Cooper said...

No matter what sort of disaster hits Bali, the place will always be heaven on earth. Such beauty can't be destroyed. Extreme traveling has been snowballing when it comes to its growth in the recent years. There are even publications about the most dangerous travel destinations around the world. Political unrest, natural disaster, or man-made catastrophes - these are the sort of stuff that makes a place interesting, as you've said. Just, don't step out the door without a life insurance!


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