Sunday, April 10, 2005

Movie review: Almighty Bruce

Gye Greene hasn't seen a movie in two or three months -- basically, since knuckling down to the Dissertation -- so he and I rented "Almighty Bruce" (Morgan Freeman, Jim Carrey, Jennifer Aniston) yesterday. (The Lady didn't watch it, as she wasn't interested; she ended up watching the Charles and Camilla wedding instead.) Not a bad movie, although it had a few weak spots -- particularly, (without giving too much away) Jim Carrey's character gets hit by a truck while still posessing the "God-powers", and gets injured. Shouldn't he be invulnerable?

Entertaining enough to rent, but I'm not gonna run out and buy it. And the blooper reel and out-takes were better than for most movies on DVD: for most movies, they were removed 'cause they're boring; for this movie, they just slowed the pacing a touch.

Ralphie the Dog hung out under the bed, rather than watch the movie. Not sure what that means.

Yeah: that was my Saturday. ;)


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