Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Nice talk with The Lady

Last night I had a pleasant conversation with The Lady.

As I mentioned, Gye Greene is in Canberra this week. He phones nightly -- or rather, The Lady phones him, as the room changes for phoning out are rather expensive. The Lady talks to him for a fair amount, and then I talk to him for a small bit. He says misses his wife and daughter terribly.

After talking to him this evening, The Lady and I discussed the weight of GG's dissertation. She is a bit concerned that its cumulative weight is wearing him down in subtle but important ways. We both agree that although he seems happy, he will be even happier once he is done.

We discussed other things, about her job, and the house that she and GG are having built next door, and how The Bub is progressing (she now stands unassisted with fair stability, although she has not bothered to attempt walking). I do not remember the specifics -- but I do remember that it was a pleasant conversation.



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