Friday, April 22, 2005


There are few things nastier than waking up around 3 a.m. to the sound of vomiting. Esp. if it's a buddy of yours. And **particularly** if its not due to their being foolish, like boozing too much.

From around three a.m. to around nine a.m., Gye Greene was in the bathroom (just one room away from where I sleep), vomiting. Not constantly, but intermittently. And, I think that's enough description, except to say that he had quite a run going at first, then a lull from around 5am to 9am, when he gave one last hurrah.

O.k., that's enough. Poor guy.

Luckily, with their married-couple intuitition, he and The Lady staggered their illnesses, such that The Lady was largely (though not completely!) recovered at this point, so she was able to help him as best she could. Still, in the end, it was just him, dozing through the wee hours on a pile of towels on the tile floor of the bathroom.

The Bub (Aussie slang for "baby"/"bubby") had a brief projectile vomit on the beginning of the week, but except for some nappy-contained looseness, seems chipper enough. So, out of the household, that just leaves myself, and the dog, to succumb...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

I like company, but...

Rather unfortunate. I was left at home... alone... AGAIN... (except for Ralphie the Dog). Then, around noon or one today, Gye Greene and The Lady came back home. The Lady had been ill at work (**really** nasty! Bad enough to be sick at home.), so GG took her home.

Nice to have everyone home, but... Poor Lady.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

For the Geek who has everything...

For the geek who has everything: a combination computer-microwave.

(Actually, they have 'fridges with a t.v. mounted in the door; this is a logical extension.)


Memo to self: Cover "Revolution Calling"

Home alone, just me and Ralphie (woof!). Listening to some more of GG's albums.

Queensryche. Two good albums (there might be other good ones by them, but GG only has these two). Operation: Mindcrime (esp. "Revolution Calling"). And Empire (esp. the song "Empire").

Queensryche's a Seattle band. Categorized as "Heavy Metal," but they're actually catchier than I find most metal bands.

Memo to self: Do a cover of "Revolution Calling" with Gye Greene. Lends itself to the rock star posturing, strong arm gestures, leaning out over the audience while holding the mic stand.

--Tall Guy

Check out Gye Greene's blog!

Apprently, I finally convinced Gye Greene to start a blog. :) It's here.


Monday, April 18, 2005

Good "In a Band" movies

While Gye Greene and The Lady were off at work today, I watched three good "being in a band" movies back-to-back. They were:

*Spinal Tap (best scenes: "Do a great show, o.k.?" and the scene directly after; also, "This one goes to eleven")

*That Thing You Do (best scenes: first public performance of the song; first hearing it on the radio)

*Still Crazy (best scenes: the energetic performance of "All Over the World Tonight"; the concert at the end, when overcoming stage nerves)

All of these are especially meaningful if you are -- or were -- in a rock band. If you were ever in a band: RENT THEM!!!

GG has all of them on DVD (well, That Thing You Do is on VHS). He tends to only buy movies if there's a scene he really likes, so he can fast-forward to "the good scenes" and watch them over and over. This drives me (and The Lady) nuts sometimes, but we both put up with it.

GG and I both recommend all three of the soundtracks. Go buy 'em. (But, used is o.k.)

Brief taste of GG & TG's music

I've been asked for a sampling of our music. Will toss a few mp3s up on the web. In the meantime, here's a non-representative little ditty: the theme song to the "Stew & Patty Fan Club" site.

It's near the top of the page: third paragraph down.

--Tall Guy