Saturday, August 06, 2005

Narcissistic victim

All right: I found this news story by accident.

Sometimes the link works, and sometimes it doesn't , so I'll also include a paraphrase:

Channel 7 in Australia will be airing a documentary on the Bali bombings from a year or so back. And one of the survivors is asking the network to not show the documentary -- because it'll " it will hurt her and other victims too much", by making her re-live the night, thus causing her trauma.

Um-- pardon? So, don't watch it?

I'm sure this woman is profoundly affected -- but I don't believe she has strong thinking skills.

She also compalined that the network "had not asked her to be involved in the documentary or given her any warning about it."

"I feel that what they've done is gone sneakily about it and done it their way," she said.

Again, the attitude seems a little... self-indulgent, to me. As a comparison: when American networks do documentaries on the Twin Towers bombings, are they expected to invite every single survor -- or send out memos or notifications? A little too "Emily Post"/Miss Manners...

To their credit, Seven's t.v. network was very tactful in their response. Their representative said he could understand how survivors would be traumitized, but, um, it is a public event...


Wednesday, August 03, 2005

"Purple mountain majesties": nice mountain from back home

Even though I like Brisbane, sometimes I miss Western Washington. The above photo of Mt. Pilchuck was shot facing east, back in Snohomish County, Washington State, in the U.S. Note the evergreens, and the lovely, lovely soothing grey clouds.

Notice, too, the trash can on the utility pole. I believe that is to prevent the utility workers from littering.


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Trying out posting pics

I'm now keeping up on several blogs; perhaps this substitutes for the life I feel I'm not really leading.

Regardless: Although I prefer blogs with solid, well-written text, I am finding I do appreciate the occasional well-placed photo. To that end, I will try to post a few pictures, now and again.

Plus, I've been a little slow on the blogging, as of late. Perhaps I need to do more things.

Therefore, below is a snapshot taken with GG's digital camera.

Perhaps it is low-brow-ish of me, but when I saw the honey bears (made of honey-flavored hard candies in the shape of bears in the clear plastic container, under the fluorescent lights of the kitchen, my first thought was: crystalized urine sample, in a jar.

Strangely beautiful.

There may be a gendered component to this, as well: my guess is that more males than females will appreciate this. But -- as I've been before -- I could be wrong.


Monday, August 01, 2005

A useful resource for cover songs

By accident, I discovered a useful online resource for cover songs -- www. Although the interface could use some improvement, it's better than if it didn't exist.

If you type in a band name in the text box on the top right, the website returns (1) all the cover songs that the band has recorded, and (2) all the band's songs that have covered by other bandes, including the name of the covering band.

I tried the band "Laptop" (a good band! one of my top-five favorites? '80s new-wave-ish with tinges of industrial, with catchy tunes and well-chosen lyrics; good interview at this webpage), and discovered that one of my favorite songs was actually a cover song. I also entered They Might Be Giants, and discovered a number of bands that may be to my liking -- in that they have sufficient taste to cover TMBG songs. They warrant further investigation.
