Musical aspiration
A person left an interesting comment on one of the blogs I regularly check. I clicked on the commenter's name, and glanced at the last few entries on his own blog. This one intrigued me.
For those of you who don't want to bother chasing that link, the part that appealed to me was this:
''Imagine you find yourself sitting in the waiting room of a doctor's office in a complete stupor. A beautiful girl notices you and comes over to speak. She's off-kilter, interesting and funny. But better than that, she hands you her headphones and turns you on to a great band. [snipped] She says, ''It's the Shins. They'll change your life.'' But it's really her who will change your life. Wow.''
I'd like to be a band in that category. Perhaps not world-famous, top-twenty caliber. But one that hip college kids listen to; put our songs on their mix tapes for their cars and their boyfriends and girlfriends; have played at their wedding (or, I suppose, their funeral). That kind of band.
I suppose to achieve this, we'll have to actually start producing albums. Gye Greene really needs to finish his Dissertation, so we can move ahead!!! ;)