Friday, April 08, 2005

Abraham Lincoln

I think someone should make a movie where Abraham Lincoln was actually a secret agent -- AS WELL AS being the President.

Can't you just hear his voice? "The name's Lincoln. ABRAHAM Lincoln."

Maybe his being elected President was just part of his cover: deep, DEEP cover.

And the reason he was killed while watching the play at Ford Theatre was to prevent a hand-off of sensitive documents during the intermission.

There could even be some carriage chases, and some hand-to-hand fighting -- after all, he **was** a champion wrestler when he was younger!

And Bruce Campbell could play Abe Lincoln! And Andrew Johnson, his Vice-President (who became President after Lincoln's death) could be played by Matt Frewer (see photo) or Jeremy Piven. Just because they're good actors, and need the work.

And Janeanne Garofalo could play Mary Todd Lincoln (Abe's wife). She doesn't necessarily need the work, but it'd be interesting casting. And I think they're both short.

Style vs. Fashion

My quote for the day:

"I'd rather be stylish than fashionable."

Elaboration: Stylish means "you have style." Most likely, individualistic. Being "fashionable" or "trendy" (e.g. "What trendy shoes!") means you're keeping up with the fashions and trends -- following the mainstream, rather than innovating and blazing your own trail.

That's what I'm saying. ;)

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Sniffles in the HH

Everyone in the house has a cold -- Gye Greene, The Lady, the baby.

Except me. And Ralphie the Dog.

Maybe we're related! :)

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

re: earlier comment (Mar. 31) on aluminium

Further thought regarding my 3/31/05 blog entry about scrap aluminum.

One possibility is that, after melting it all down and skimming off the impurities, I could make a deck of cards. I'd own the cards, so I'd always get to be the dealer.

Because: he who smelt it, dealt it.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Jill Sobule//Musical tastes are personal

Hm! Music -- one's taste in music -- must be a very personal thing. Loaned my Jill Sobule album (self-titled) to a neighbor. She just returned it, said it was "o.k." Whereas it's one of **my** favorites: I like EVERY song; inspired me to pick up more of her albums.


For those of you watching, you should check out most of Ms. Sobule's albums. Her album called "Jill Sobule" (clever!) has the semi-famous "I Kissed a Girl" song -- but all her songs (IMO) are highly worthy.

Favorite Foo Fighters quote

Semi-random thought, as listening to a Nirvana album.

My favorite Foo Fighters quote, regarding their first album. Unfortunately, forgot who said it -- but I think it was from The Rocket or The Stranger, both Seattle [free! weekly!] magazines.

"The Foo Fighters sound like Nirvana -- but, darn it, David Grohl has the RIGHT to sound like Nirvana!"

Band: Timbuk 3 (also, our unpopular musical tastes)

Band: Timbuk 3

Album: Eden Alley
Album: Greetings from Timbuk 3 [the one with "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades"]

Good band; ought to ask GG to pick up more of their stuff (he only has these two albums). Interesting lyrics, catchy vocal melodies.

Hm -- noticing that all the stuff of GG's that I like are bands and artists in the "Where are they Now?" file. If that's the style of music that I like -- and GG apparently likes -- that's troubling... Our taste, our muscial style, is woefully un-popular.

Which doesn't bode well for two aspiring musicians such as ourselves...

Monday, April 04, 2005

Elvis Costello: o.k.

Elvis Costello. A few good songs across a few albums. A worthy musician, a good fellow, but not my cup of beans.


Spike -- two or three good songs.

My Aim is True [reissue w/ bonus tracks] -- actually, about half good, the other half I forget 'em.

All This Useless Beauty -- five good ones out of twelve.

So, he's not stink-o or anything. And -- good golly! -- he cranks out the albums!!! So, his cumulative body of work stands well. But I personally think Sheryl Crow is a stronger songwriter. (She's less abstract, for one thing: uses imagry and metaphors, but you know what she's saying.)

But, YMMV. I'm just saying. :)

More good bands/albums

So, listening to more albums while home by myself:

Sheryl Crow surprisingly good. I like **all** her songs -- not just the ones with radio airplay.

GG has the single for Sinead O'Connor's "This is a Rebel Song." The most sad, beautiful song I've heard in a long time -- esp. when she gets to the chorus "how come you've never said you love me, the whole time that you've known me." I also appreciate the line "while crazies are killing our sons" -- a slam at the IRA, I presume. Largely phrased as a love song, but if you actually listen to the lyrics (and the song title's a HUGE clue), it's about the English and the Irish.

Another great, sad song is Warren Zevon's "Suzie Lightning," off "Mr. Bad Example." A perfect song for anyone whose partner was always too busy for them...