Thursday, February 02, 2006

Useful disposal of pennies

Here in Australia, they no longer use one-cent pieces: if you are paying cash, the cash register automatically rounds off the price to the nearest five cents.

However, if you live in the U.S., there are still pennies. Some people find them annoying. However, there is a generous, non-wasteful way to dispose of pennies: please see Old Roommate's blog entry at


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Misleading real estate ads

This morning, The Lady saw two real estate ads for homes in our neighborhood -- both of which made her rant for some time. Good-naturedly, of course.

The first advertised a new housing estate, with many houses crammed together around little cul de sacs. The ad offered ''seclusion'' and ''getting away from it all''. ''Yes, except for all your neighbors sitting right on top of you,'' The Lady pointed out. It also touted ''thirty minutes from downtown.'' ''Yes, as long it it's not peak-hour traffic...'' said The Lady.

The other ad was for a house on acreage. It mentions ''the sound of cooing koalas.'' ''Bwaah!!!'' exclaimed The Lady! For, as those of us who actually live out here (as opposed to those who sit downtown, writing ad copy), koalas do not coo: they grunt like sick pigs!!!
