Social movements
“Movements do succeed -- just not in the ways they thought they would.”
(Found, 5/21/05, pg. 39 of Fraenkel, Peter. 2005. “Whatever Happened to Family Therapy?” Psychotherapy Networker, 29: 30-39, 70.)
Tall Guy is half of the musical duo Gye Greene & Tall Guy. Here, he talks about his life, his thoughts, and his wisdom(?!). In addition, he lives in Australia! :) Note: To those new to Blogs, the newest messages are at the top; thus, scroll to the bottom of the page and read each entry from there.
“Movements do succeed -- just not in the ways they thought they would.”
Ralphie is back. He's a little wheezier than usual, and rather tired. But he seems happy to be home.
GG phoned me from work to say that The Lady had talked to the veterinarian, and Timmy can come home today!
Ralphie has been at the vet's today. I'm rather worried about him. I'd write a full description, but Gye Greene already wrote a fair amount; please see
Today the sky is a stark blue, with fluffy clouds. The clouds give the sky depths and texture.
Last night we -- the entire household -- gathered around to watch the t.v. show Mythbusters. Among their exercises, they experimented with several means of cooling cans of drink to just above freezing (frosty!), starting at room temperature.
I have noticed that Gye Greene and The Lady often tell The Bub -- when she's about to put something in her mouth -- "You don't want to do that."
As everyone else (except Ralphie!) is out doing a Father's Day walkabout, I am at home with GG's collection of CDs.