Saturday, September 10, 2005

Social movements

“Movements do succeed -- just not in the ways they thought they would.”

(Found, 5/21/05, pg. 39 of Fraenkel, Peter. 2005. “Whatever Happened to Family Therapy?” Psychotherapy Networker, 29: 30-39, 70.)


Friday, September 09, 2005

Ralphie returns!!!

Ralphie is back. He's a little wheezier than usual, and rather tired. But he seems happy to be home.

And I'm happy to have him back! :)


Un-sick Ralphie!

GG phoned me from work to say that The Lady had talked to the veterinarian, and Timmy can come home today!

I am pleased. :)

He's actually available to be picked up in an hour or two -- around noon, perhaps -- but I don't drive. So The Lady will leave work early and pick him up.


Thursday, September 08, 2005

Poor sick doggie

Ralphie has been at the vet's today. I'm rather worried about him. I'd write a full description, but Gye Greene already wrote a fair amount; please see


(During the day; at night, I'm a happy lad! Except for the missing pup, of course...)


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Brisbane clouds

Today the sky is a stark blue, with fluffy clouds. The clouds give the sky depths and texture.

Most of the time, the sky over Brisbane is just stark blue -- reminiscent of the default desktop setting on Windows-running PCs. I can see why people would like it -- but as someone from Seattle, I prefer ''mostly cloudy'', or even overcast.

I wish I could post a photo, but I can't find where Gye Greene hid the digital camera. Some other time, perhaps.

You'll just have to use your imagination. ;)


Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Fastest way to cool cans of drink

Last night we -- the entire household -- gathered around to watch the t.v. show Mythbusters. Among their exercises, they experimented with several means of cooling cans of drink to just above freezing (frosty!), starting at room temperature.

Their results:

-5 mins = ice and water in an ice chest, with lots of salt to melt the ice

-15 mins = ice and water in an ice chest

-30 mins = ice in an ice chest, no water

-freezer did somewhat worse; 'fridge took a loooong time

Thus, to super-charge your cooling process -- add ice!!!


Monday, September 05, 2005

Bub eating things

I have noticed that Gye Greene and The Lady often tell The Bub -- when she's about to put something in her mouth -- "You don't want to do that."

I do not think that is actually true: I think she does want to do that!

Words are funny things.


Sunday, September 04, 2005

A good artist: James Michael

As everyone else (except Ralphie!) is out doing a Father's Day walkabout, I am at home with GG's collection of CDs.

One of GG's CDs that I particularly like is Inhale by James Michael. Catchy tunes, although the lyrics aren't consistently deep. And it veers towards Cobain-esque self-loathing. And if you listen closely to the lyrics, many songs have an undercurrent of ''drugs have ruined my life, or make me depressed.''

But, again -- catchy tunes!

Lyrically, I found track 9, ''I'm o.k. with This,'' to be one of the strongest songs; it's also one of the softer songs. (These lyrics -- as with all song lyrics -- work better within the context of the melody line.) For example:

You have a sensitive side, and I knowI've a history of pushing things a little too farTogether we just kind of put our heads down and say''I'm okay with this if you are.''
I am easily embarrassed, and youHave the tendency to show me off wherever we areTogether we just kind of put our heads down and say''I'm okay with this if you are.''
You are carefully focused and II've a habit of forgetting where the hell we areTogether we just kind of put our heads down and say''I'm okay with this if you are.''

Rather a sweet song, actually.

In contrast -- although still a catchy song! -- is track 1, ''Inhale'': very Cobain:

Look at me, I'm heroin chicI'm a tape loop speechI suck my cheeks in when I'm doneAnd I'm in love with everyone
My my my // You could hang aroundMy my my // It's just a nervous breakdownMy my my // I'm always overestimating everything

The series of price stickers on the back indicate that he bought it for $4, marked down from $8, which was lowered from $8.80. Such a deal! Easily worth more than that.

If you like music of the Foo Fighters, Nirvana, Bush, Collective Soul, Live, Stone Temple Pilots genre, you would probably enjoy this album.

It makes me think, "If Kurt Cobain was from Kansas..." (?!!)


Happy Australian Father's Day!!!

To Gye Greene, and all other Australian fathers, I wish you all a happy Father's Day! :)
