Saturday, January 07, 2006

Two lizards

So far this morning I have seen two little lizards (or, as GG might say, ''leetle leezards''). One was in the dining room, and one was in the kitchen. In both instances, I gently encouraged them to hide behind furniture, as Ralphie does not play well with lizards.

I rather like having (little) lizards in the house. Hopefully, they eat the bad bugs. And to one from the Seattle area, it is rather exotic. :)


Thursday, January 05, 2006

New song to cover

GG bought a fair nume of used CDs on his trip to Seattle; I'm listening to them now. One of them is Thomas Dolby's The Golden Age of Wireless, which includes the semi-hit "She Blinded Me With Science" -- a very good song!

I will ask GG to add it to our ''Songs to Cover'' list.

One of the things about the Ramones that both GG and myself appreciate is their inclusion of a cover song or two on every(?) album. We ought to do that as well. :)


Monday, January 02, 2006

All have returned!!!

Gye Greene, The Lady, and The Bub have all returned from their overseas trip! No offense to Ralphie, but GG and The Lady are **much** better conversation!

We hung about The Lady's parents' place (across the road) for a few hours, then went to McDonald's for lunch.

That evening I fixed them a mostly-nutritious dinner of Ramen noodles: straight for The Lady, and with frozen veggies for GG.
