Saturday, September 24, 2005

Reading with the dog

I thought this was a good photo of Ralphie and The Lady sitting in the living room, reading. The Bub is out of the shot; you can see her toys strewn about.

Posted with permission of The Lady, who typically doesn't like her photo being taken.


Thursday, September 22, 2005

Zero degrees of separation

It's a small world, and my blog is (hopefully!) interesting! And I have noticed that there are occasional people reading my blog who I do not personally know.

As I think I have mentioned, my blog is pseudonymenous (sp??) -- I write under a pen name, and refer to friends by fake names as well. So, some friends and family might not even know about my blog.

Have you ever noticed that you'll forward an e-mail joke or story, and within a few days, you receive the identical (or very similar) e-mail back, from a different source? Someday it'd be neat to receive by e-mail -- by way of a friend or family member -- an amusing photo, joke, or story -- and realize, "Hey! That's from my blog!!!"

Someday... ;)


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Intersection of Brisbane and Seattle weather

Today and yesterday, I noticed that the early-spring weather of Brisbane -- right now -- matches my recollection of early-autumn Seattle: cold morning and evenings, but warm, not-quite-hot, days.

It appears we are at the crossover point, or intersection. Perhaps there's a cosmic significance? :)


Monday, September 19, 2005

Bottle tree

I thought I'd take a walk around the yard. I also wandered across to The Lady's parents' place, and took a photo of this tree which I find interesting.

It is called a ''bottle tree''; I like the look. GG says he hopes they'll plant a few of them in their yard, once they build their new place.


Sunday, September 18, 2005

Amusing/unfortunate trombone name

I was browsing for trombones on e-bay...

I found one whose model name is ''Artist'' (fair enough!), and the brand name is ''Conn.''

Thus -- instead of, for example, a ''Fender Stratocaster,'' you have a ''Conn Artist''!!!

And, coincidentally, they're not cheap, either.
