Thursday, June 30, 2005

Fun ways to answer the phone

It's very good to have Gye Greene back home. Over the last few days, we've been thinking of fun ways to answer the phone. Here are our results, and their explanations or sources:

-"Jello!" (Sounds like "hello")

-"Hit me!" (Hip radio D.J.)

-"K-N-O-W -- you're on the air!" (Radio D.J.)

-"Moshi-moshi!" (Japanese 101)

-"I'm here." (Just sounded good)

-"Yankee." (Sounds like "thank-ye?")

-"Go ahead." (Derived from morse code)

-"K" (morse code for "ready")

-"[long, short, long]" (whistle it; morse code for "K", which is "ready")

-[gushing] "Thank goodness you've called!!!" (without waiting to see who it is; to mess with people)

-"Connected." (Maybe like an old-time telephone operator?)

-"I'm in." (The Matrix)

-"Yeah?" (Like a Goodfella/gangster; M in Seattle says it)

-"This is Bob." (or whatever your name is; like you're at work)

-"555-1212." (i.e. state your phone number; the Lady's dad does this)

-[flat, bold] "Yes, Commisioner.?" (t.v. Batman [Adam West])

-"Who's there?" (to mess with people)

...and finally:


Feel free to add your own suggestions to the "Comments" section.


Monday, June 27, 2005

Frog-related band name

Here someone else's blog entry regarding fun frog facts.

This made me realize: "Fear of Frogs" would be an excellent band name.
