Tall Guy Talks
Tall Guy is half of the musical duo Gye Greene & Tall Guy. Here, he talks about his life, his thoughts, and his wisdom(?!). In addition, he lives in Australia! :) Note: To those new to Blogs, the newest messages are at the top; thus, scroll to the bottom of the page and read each entry from there.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Monday, January 16, 2006
My room
Last week GG and I tidied up the veranda a bit. The prev week he had cleared out his ''dissertation'' office at Uni, and the extra boxes of things exceded the home office's
saturation point. Boxes were also piled in the living room -- primarily on the sofa -- and needed to be moved.
As we were re-arranging the veranda, I realized that I had never included any photos of my ''room''. So, here they are.
As you can see, it is not truly a room. Instead, it is a lounge that I sleep on. During the summer it is pleasantly cool in the evening -- although during the winter it becomes a bit cool.
My clothes and other belongings are stored in miscellaneous boxes out on the veranda, or on a clothes rack -- actually a bamboo bar, hung from the ceiling (not shown) a metre or two away from my bed, around the corner from additional boxes.
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Laundry strategy
Here is a tip for those of you (like myself!) who are un-timely with doing your laundry:
Have shorts, pants, shirts, socks, and undies in both darks and lights. That way, if you have only managed to the the darks (or lights), you still have clothes to wear! :)
Or, you could just do your laundry more regularly...