Saturday, September 03, 2005

''Star Wars'' with veggies and produce

We do not have ''Flash'' enabled on our computers at home (for a variety of reasons). But just the opening page is worth seeing:

An amusing concept.


Friday, September 02, 2005

Meaning of life

This guy -- -- says:

My friend Siva once said: ''Life is all about collecting really good stories.''


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Interesting medical condition

I was reading the newspaper a few days ago, and saw mention of the medical condition ''Epidermolysis Bullosa.'' So, I did a web search. Essentially, it's a condition where your layers of skin don't bond, so they slough off very easily.

Read the main mage of this site:

It sounds like a difficult condition to have. It reminds me of the ''brittle bone'' condition of the fellow in the movie ''Unbreakable'', except it addresses the skin.


Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Racism in newspaper photo captions

I found this when following a link to see someone's photos. It shows the differences in captions to very similar, if not identical, photos -- one of an African-American, one of Caucasians.

Please see -- and the note under the pair of photos.


Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Inane newsreader

Last night everyone was watching the evening news. Gasoline [a.k.a. "petrol"] prices have recently risen.

The news lady said "The average price of petrol averaged $1.21 per litre today in Brisbane. Some consumers paid even more."

And "averages" are derived -- how? ;)

(One would presume some consumers also paid less. Magic!)


Monday, August 29, 2005

Bad doggie photo

Sometimes you blink when your photo is being taken, or you're in the middle of a sentence. When this occurs, the camera captures you with a peculiar-looking, transitional facial expression.

Sometimes this happens to dogs as well. Witness Ralphie:
