Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Spilled water = good album title?

Actually, "Spilled Water" would make a good album title -- or band name. But what I was thinking of was what occurred when I was puttering around the house and watering the plants. I accidentally poured in too much water, causing the water trays to overflow.

Thus, as I was sponging up the excess: "Mommy Needs a Mop."

Actually, I suppose that's more of a song concept.

Somewhere, there is (or was) a website that sponsored a "song a week" contest: they'd post a song title, and particpants had a week to submit a song based on the title. Apparently, there were quite a number of good entries.

I heard of this a few years ago, so I have no idea as to whether the site still exists. If someone's motivated to Google for it -- and post the link in the "comments" section -- feel free. ;)


Monday, June 13, 2005

Please feed the animals

I was recently mailed this link.

Apparently, if you click on this link -- http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com -- the advertisers/sponsors donate some food to an animal shelter. It only works once a day, though -- it must set a cookie or something similar.

I tend to do it during my morning "e-mail and blog-reading" ritual.


Sunday, June 12, 2005

"Best of" CDs: number of CDs

I'm puttering around the house, listening to CDs I haven't played in a while.

I had forgotten how much I enjoy my "Jim Croce: 36 All-time greatest hits" CD collection. But, it's a bit of a have* to spread it across 3 cds: it's as if they're trying to make the consumer think that they're really getting a bargain -- **three** CDs, not just two!!!

I realized this when I played the first CD, then thought, "My! That was over quickly!" I looked at the case, and realized that each of the three CDs had only twelve songs.

This caused me to look at the total time per CD:


The cumulative total is 106 minutes. Since a stardard CD hold 70 mins of audio, there was no defensible reason they couldn't have split the thirty-six songs across the two CDs: 18 & 18 tracks, at 53 minutes per CD

As it is, having only a single-CD player, I have to get up to change the CD 50% more often! Bwah. ;)


*"a bit of a have" is Aussie for "a rook, a ripoff, a cheat, an underhanded deception."